Okay, after having crashed my hard drive, where I stored all
my summer pictures, I finally cracked the code and accessed the photos.
And here’s some shots in Paris with a Coolpix S910.
I lost my other Coolpix in Italy, somewhere in Tuscany, so
when I got to Paris I bought another one.
Out of the hundreds of shots I took on the first few days
with it, I cut them down to less than a hundred, but I won’t post a hundred
photos in one entry, that would be too much like an unfocused essay.
If a collection of photos is an essay, too many photos make
the essay long and boring and maybe unfocused.
But these photos in this entry are not really an essay.
There is no unfolding theme other than getting a new camera
in a new city.
This is more like a free verse poem, as the images make
their own meaning, their own connections, with a little help from the choices I
made on what to show and what not to show, based more on intuition that vision.
I’m an amateur.
But I think the key to sharing one’s photos is not sharing
too many.
Pick out a few, even from the few that you picked out from
the rest.
I’m not sure how I made the choices here, why I chose some over
the others, but as I went the shots the first time, I stopped on what struck me,
starred it, and kept
going through the thousands of others.
Out of the hundred or so that struck me, that I starred, I
forced myself to pick even less.
No more than 20 shots per blog, I told myself.
An arbitrary number, or perhaps an anthropological choice,
20 having symmetry, seeming like a meaningful number.
Or maybe 22.
I’ve always liked that number, for no reason at all, so 22.
Here’s the first 22 photos from the first 2 days of the new